Wednesday, October 27, 2010


World Noni Research Foundation is devoted to intensive research and scientific study of the plant Morinda citrifolia L.. WNRF is a non-profit, self-sustaining and independent operating entity that believes in generating scientific knowledge upto the molecular level on all aspects of the crop like improvement, plant protection, clinical research, pharmacological and food science research.

Morinda citrifolia L, commonly called Noni, is native to Polynesia and India and found especially in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Australia, South Pacific and Caribbean Island. Noni contains numerous phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins and micro and macronutrients which help us in various ways from cell to self. Therapeutic uses of Noni are recorded in Indian systems of medicine - Ayurveda and Siddha. World Noni Research Foundation is committed to revive the age-old wisdom of using the Noni fruit on a day-to-day basis as our ancestors. WNRF works with the goal of creating a healthy, wealthy and literate population in a world of wellness and wellbeing.

WNRF aims at a “disease free world”, where science based research plays a vital role in documenting what makes the Noni plant so beneficial, special and unique.

WNRF located in Chennai, India provides knowledge and infrastructural support and coordinates the foundation’s research projects spread throught India.

There are  Five Research Programmes
1. Noni Crop Developmental Research
2. Noni Plant Protection Research
3. Noni Clinical Research
4. Noni Pharmacological Research
5. Noni Food Science Research

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